Monday, November 14, 2005


a fairly plain day. or a pretty easy day i would say when comparing to last week's loads. some simple preparation tasks, a not-too-puzzling meeting with client, a pleasant chat with supervisor, and that's all for a day.

it gives me a break so - a chance to evaluate me myself as the-newie-of-the-industry. in my mind are the flashbacks of the blomming past 3 months - the faces, the shows, the duties, the troubles, the chaos, the thunders and shines, the flaws and faults, the flair and faculties...bits and chips.

indeed it is fruitful i admit. a way flourishing harvest. with every drops of happy or downhearted-turned-out-delightful tears. with all the faces i remembered and all the people who remembered me. lucky me.

seems it is sort of a sketch of my pursuit too. it is still a very ambiguous picture though. only some lights shed in the dark... so it comes to the point i asked the question - am i prepared to spend a-7-year-time on seeking my way out the small dark room? (for those who knows this "joke")

yes how i understand i must be so much more devoted into the race - if i'm aiming for the returns i awfully wanted - since my deficiencies are so apparent.


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